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  • 2020-08-27 22:44:35
  • RATED 1

Order a pallet from a BULQ website. Website list all the item in manifest and description of items. Never buy from BULQ. I felt that Company is doing scam to include most valuable item in the pallet and not sending it and refund you nothing compare to what you paid. I ordered a pallet of monitors (total 17 items). I ordered the pallet because there was one big monitor which is worth the pallet. (DELL 37.5inch monitor).When I received the pallet, I am missing the dell 37.5 monitor which is the most valuable item in the pallet. Now, I lost my money because other items are not worth much and BULQ refund me 10% money of Dell monitor. I felt that they are getting rid of other crappy items by wrong advertise, refund you portion of money for not receiving the item and you are stuck with other crap which worth as junk. LOST BIG TIME, NEVER NEVER NEVER BUY FROM BULQ.


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